"To Sale is not an option ! But it implies complex mecanisms and an holistic approach. You can't do nothing alone and at the end of the end, it's always a trust feeling in a face to face meeting which makes the diffference. At least, it's the way I work."


#1 We'll take the time to listen to you and identify your paint points

#2 We're passionate about business development complexity 

#3 We're pragmatic, we do our best to achieve our goals


Because together we're stronger, we use to work with qualified and motivated people in every area where you may need support such as financing, hiring, HR, training, networking ...


# "Pôle Mer Méditerrannée" aims to promote sustainable development of the maritime and coastal economy in the Mediterranean, Europe and the rest of the world.        www. polemermediterranee.com

# "SAFE " is the French competitiveness cluster positioned in the Aeronautics & Space, Safety & Security, Defense and Environment sectors (risks & resilience). www.safecluster.com



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